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TSDC Consulting Co., Ltd is made up of the following subsidiaries.
bullet TSDC Environmental Consulting Co., Ltd.

Located in Beijing, China, TSDC China Consulting provides a wide range of services to help companies begin operation in China.  Services range from strategic planning, establishing legal entities, executive search, sourcing (short term and long term), sales and marketing.  Clients include the following companies:

bullet Air Quality Systems, Marrietta, Georgia USA
bullet Greenguard Environmental Institute, Marietta, Georgia, USA
bullet Underwriters Laboratores, Northridge, Illinois USA
bullet TSDC Consulting, LLC, Mesa, Arizona, USA




bullet TSDC Consulting, LLC

Located in San Mateo, California, TSDC Consulting, LLC provides a wide range of services to help companies begin operation in the USA.  Services range from strategic planning, establishing legal entities, executive search, sourcing (short term and long term), sales and marketing.  Clients include the following companies:

bullet TSDC Consulting, LLC
bullet Rain Tunnel, LLC
bullet VOR Holdings, LLC
bullet Underwriters Laboratories
bullet Coemar Lighting Products, Montova, Italy








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