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TSDC consultants have extensive experience in building businesses in China. Infrastructure development is one of the Core Competencies of TSDC. The team has developed joint ventures, converted existing joint venture companies to Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises throughout China.  The management team also has extensive experience globally in the following countries: the United States, China, Mexico, Canada, Central America, Japan, Singapore, UK, Saudi Arabia and Slovakia.

The background of our consultants is diverse and includes fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) companies, consumer packaged goods, paper companies, electronics companies, Internet companies, universities and government.

The accomplishments of TSDC are always on the "leading edge."  Business is evolving rapidly in China.  What was impossible yesterday is possible today!

Another one of the Core Competencies of TSDC is Crisis Management.  TSDC personnel have extensive experience in Crisis Management and can help your company develop a Crisis Management System to deal with the unique situations that you will definitely encounter in China.

TSDC Consultants offer:


HR support and advice based on extensive Chinese experience and know how.


Willingness and flexibility to initiate customer focused solutions, create new products and tailor existing ones.


The ability to source people from entry to middle to senior management level through executive search or volume/team recruitment.


Linguistic, cultural understanding with a mix of expatriate and local staff


Local market knowledge coupled with extensive international experience.


Sensitivity to investment, time and cost as client satisfaction is our top priority.


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