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Home -> Services -> Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai Key Phone Numbers -> Beijing -> Airlines

Beijing Airlines

Airline Phone   Airline Phone
Air Canada 6468 2001 KLM 6505 3505
Air China 6601 7755   Korean Air 6505 0088
Air France 6588 1388   Lufthansa 6465 4488
All Nippon Airways 6590 9191   Malaysia Airlines 6505 2681
American Airlines 6500 4837   Northwest Airlines 6505 3505
Austrian Airlines 6462 2161   Qantas 6467 4794
British Airways 6512 3537   SAS 6512 0575
Canadian Airlines 6463 7901   Singapore Airlines 6505 2233
Dragon Air 6505 4343   Swissair 6512 3555
Ethiopian Airlines 6505 0314 Thai Airways 6460 8899
Finnair 6512 7180   United Airlines 6463 8551
Garuda Indonesia 6505 2901  
Japan Airlines (JAL) 6513 0888  

TSDC believes that this phone numbers are accurate, but makes no warranty as to the accuracy.  If you find that any of the above numbers have changed, please send an email to webmaster@TSDC.com.  If you would like to have other phone numbers added to the list, please send them to webmaster@TSDC.com also.


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